Our Body Scrubs are made with 100% essential oils, all from the finest and highest quality. Essential oils are composed of a highly concentrated substance taken from several parts of aromatic plants and trees. Essential oils, when applied to the skin or inhaled into the lungs, have therapeutic, and stress reducing benefits.
Our finest foot scrubs are made with Dead Sea Salt, Magnesium, and Pure Sugar Cane. Our scrubs are made with a base of Olive Oil, Jojoba, Grapeseed Oil and Vitamin E. They are made without artificial preservatives, colors, parabens, chemicals, or additives.
Our natural scrubs exfoliate and moisturize the skin. They remove dead skin cells making the skin smooth and silky to the touch. Rough hands feel rejuvenated, clean, and silky!
By self testing, we assure that we are making the finest scrub taken from earthly ingredients to enhance your life.